Instrucciones para Certificarse
Certification Instructions


Si ya habías tenido AmeriHealth con ota compañía/grupo debes seguir los 2 pasos (rojo primero y después el verde).
  1. El rojo es para que tener AmeriHealth con Sunshine/Living Secure Insurance Advisors.
  2. El verde es para poder vender en 2025.
    Nota: Asegurate de tener hecho el FFM 225.
Si nunca has tenido AmeriHealth solo debes hacer los pasos en verde. 

If you have previously had AmeriHealth with another company/group, you must follow the 2 steps (red first and then green).
  1. The red step is to ensure you have AmeriHealth with Sunshine/Living Secure Insurance Advisors.
  2. The green step is to be able to sell in 2025.
    Note: Make sure you have completed the FFM2025.
If you have never had AmeriHealth, you only need to follow the green step. 